Upcoming Meet & Greets
Maxwell Creek (Saturday October 22nd)
- Where: Maxwell Creek Clubhouse (200 McCreary Rd., Murphy)
- Saturday October 22nd; 3 PM to 5 PM

The Marxist indoctrination of students that began in our universities, including social justice, sexualization and gender fluidity, has now spread all the way down to the kindergarten level. Wylie ISD is no exception.
The Wylie ISD School Board has forgotten that schools exist to educate our children, not to be a laboratory for social and ideological indoctrination. We need strong leadership to combat the brainwashing of our children, and we must act NOW.
On August 1, 2022, The Wylie ISD Administration provided a revised Form 50-859, Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet, to the Wylie ISD Board. The revised worksheet showed four key items:
All you hear on social media when the issue of obscene books in our libraries is raised are the rants about how this really just about banning or burning books and that anyone who requests a review of obscene books in our libraries must be ridiculed, vilified and malicious intent must be assigned to those who question. It reminds you of grade school bullying at it’s worst, but now it is parents doing the bullying.
If you are interested in learning how we got to his point, then click HERE and learn how this has been building for almost 9 months due to a poor leadership, poor communication, non-existent transparency and refusal to follow either Wylie ISD guidelines or TEA standards on this issue.
Some have said: “this is just a bunch of book banners/burners. Obscene books don’t exist in our Wylie ISD libraries.” The following link presents seven books with excerpts. We will show you 100% proof there are obscene books currently in our school libraries. We also share the four books that were quietly removed after we brought attention to them.
VIEW OBSCENE CONTENTThe best place to start is by looking at what the State of Texas legally considers as obscene by what is codified in the Texas Penal Code. Texas Penal Code 43.24 Sale, Distribution, or Display of Harmful Material to Minor (excerpted below) (Read the full code HERE.)
(2) “Harmful material” means material whose dominant theme taken as a whole:
YES, the 1982 Supreme Court decision Board of Education vs. Pico is considered the primary guidance on this issue.
Dr. Spicer and the committee she put together – NO PARENTS ALLOWED – for reviewing books uses the subjective standard of “PERVASIVE VULGARITY”. As they review books, they will only remove a book if 2/3 of her secret committee decides the book is OVER 50% PERVASIVELY VULGAR!
The question is…
Are you comfortable with this level of/lack of transparency?
Are you comfortable with books being in the library that are “ONLY” 49% pervasively vulgar?
Since materials available to our children, whether in a school library or classroom library, may be held to a standard, how is that done?
The School Board will need to have extreme courage to withstand the fire storm of activists that want to push a social ideology on our children, regardless of age.
Two tactics have been utilized by ISD’s here in Texas:
Our solution is a hybrid of all three solutions. The initial step a courageous School Board would need to take is to commit to reviewing books that are submitted for review, whether a list or individually, and doing so in a transparent way. The School Board could create a committee that includes PARENTS, perhaps something like our SHAC committees, to enhance transparency and parental inclusion, as required by TEA.
There are at least 3 possible outcomes for books that are reviewed:
We would also encourage the administration to set up a system to, at parent request, notify them of any books checked out by their children. This would help insure parents are aware of books being read as well as help cut down on lost or late books
The bottom line is we need a school board that is courageous enough to expedite thereview and/or removalof books that are obsceneand include parents and teachers in the review process.
After a careful vetting process, We The People WAM is pleased to announce the endorsement of Kevin Brooks, Jill Palmer, Michael Schwerin, and Jeffrey Keech for the four open Wylie ISD School Board seats!
Jill Palmer, Place 1
Jeffery Keech, Place 2
Kevin Brooks, Place 5
Michael Schwerin, Place 6