Safeguard Our Homes, Secure Their Tomorrow
Unraveling the Truth Behind the $298 Million Bond

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Deciphering Today’s Economic Landscape
In today’s economic climate, every move, every decision, and every dollar counts. We’re sailing through a storm, with the shadows of rising inflation, soaring interest rates, and wages that just won’t budge. The waters are choppy, and the air is thick with uncertainty.
But now, more than ever, we need clarity. We need truth.
Acquiring debt now? In this economic climate? It’s akin to throwing a heavy anchor to someone already struggling to stay afloat. The cold, hard facts don’t lie. Dive deep into the data below, and see for yourself the dire situation we’re facing.
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”
Remember, this is your city. Your community. Your future. The decisions made today will echo for generations to come. Let’s make them the right ones.
$298 Million Bond: Progress or Pitfall?
Numbers can be deceiving. On the surface, the $298 million Growth Management Bond promises progress, aiming to manage an anticipated influx of 3,100 students over the next decade. But are there hidden implications in the fine print? Let’s delve into what this bond truly means for our schools, our taxes, and our families.
Behind the Veil: The Stated Purpose of the $298 Million Bond
Billed as a response to anticipated growth, this bond sets out to fund a new elementary school, intermediate school, and junior high. Additionally, it aims to cover maintenance, transportation building expansions, CTE Expansion, and add more pre-k classrooms. But how does this align with past promises and decisions?
Why Now? The Timing Puzzle.
Historically, the district has completed projects within a commendable two-year span. Yet, with a 10-year projection for student growth, it raises a question: Why seek funds now for infrastructure that might only be needed much later? Could we be overreaching?
Three Things They’re NOT Telling You:
- This bond, the highest ever for our district, teeters dangerously close to the legal debt ceiling.
- While the district promises no rise in tax rates, it’s a statement that many view as, at best, misleading.
- Unlike the county and other districts that offer voters a choice by presenting multiple bond options, Wylie ISD has lumped everything into one hefty proposition.
The Untold Risks Ahead:
- In 2019, voters approved a generous $200M measure that included two state-of-the-art gymnasiums. The expectation then? No new schools would be necessary. Yet here we are.
- New schools come with a perpetual operational price tag.
- Other solutions exist. With future growth projections indicating a slowdown, why not consider temporary capacity expansions, like portables, which are common in neighboring districts?
- Wylie ISD already stands in the top 28% of tax rates in the area. With the I&S rate at 0.45 cents (state max being 0.50), are we truly being fiscally responsible?
- Let’s consider our economically disadvantaged student population, which comprises 28% of Wylie ISD. Due to Texas’ tax structure and the homestead exemption’s nuances, a bond of this magnitude could inadvertently push these families out of the district.
History’s Warning: Don’t Get Fooled Again.
“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” This old adage holds true, especially when considering financial decisions that impact our community. Here’s a look back at Wylie ISD’s track record:
When Generosity Meets Misdirection:
In 2019, the good people of Wylie showed their trust in the district by approving a $200M bond. Among the projects funded were two grand indoor auditoriums for basketball, each with seating for over 2,000.
“The center has state-of-the-art amenities for athletics and fine arts events including basketball courts, seating for 2,000 depending on the event, lighting, and audio and visual equipment. The 32,000 square-foot center was completed in December 2020.”
But this raises a critical question: Were these amenities essential? Given that growth was on the horizon, why weren’t more funds allocated for new schools?
Changing Tunes: Can We Trust Their Word?
It’s perplexing that just a few years ago, our district assured us there was no foreseeable need for new schools. Yet, today, we’re faced with a bond aiming to build these very institutions. This shift in narrative raises questions about the district’s foresight and transparency.
A Call for Accountability:
As a community, it’s our duty to hold decision-makers accountable. Reflecting on our past reveals a pattern of generous allocations, occasionally on non-essential projects. As we mull over this new bond, it’s vital to question: Are we prioritizing our children’s genuine educational needs, or are we leaning too much toward opulence?
The Tax Illusion: Unmasking the “No Increase” Promise
Are We Truly Getting Bang for Our Bucks?
With Wylie ISD standing tall with one of the highest tax rates in the region, it’s time for a pulse check: Is our hard-earned money truly fostering education, or is it simply vanishing into the abyss? And let’s not forget—nearly one-third of our students are already grappling with financial challenges. Is this added burden fair to them?
Behind the Curtain: Unraveling the “No Tax Increase” Mystery
On the surface, the district’s announcement that the bond won’t elevate tax rates seems like music to our ears. But let’s take a closer look and uncover the real story:
- The Silent Sniper: Soaring Home Values. While the tax rate might remain stagnant, the actual amount you end up paying can skyrocket in tandem with your blossoming property value.
The Hidden Debt Snare: Oh, the allure of new bonds! But with them comes a shadow—interest. Here’s how the district plays its cards:
- They have the power to reduce the tax rate—but, guess what? They won’t.
- Instead, they’ll perform financial gymnastics, addressing the interest of new debts, leaving our staggering $520M existing debt untouched.
Cutting through the jargon: We’re still shelling out more, only it’s cloaked in a dazzling disguise. Don’t let the theatrics fool you.
The Homestead Exemption: A Double-Edged Sword
While Texas homeowners might bask in the warmth of the homestead exemption—lowering their property’s taxable value—renters stand in the cold. As property taxes mount, landlords often offload these burdens onto their tenants. What’s the domino effect? The district’s economically stretched families find themselves cornered, with some even being shoved out of the district’s embrace.
Homestead Exemption Reality
In Texas, the homestead exemption acts as a superhero cape for homeowners, swooping in to lower their property’s taxable value. It’s a breath of fresh air in the Texas heat. But—and there’s always a ‘but’—renters aren’t invited to this party. When property taxes climb that ladder, landlords don’t hesitate to nudge their tenants. The sobering consequence? The families in our district already walking a financial tightrope bear the heaviest load, some even teetering out of the district.
A Glimpse into the Future
“It’s tricky business, making predictions—especially when they’re about what’s around the bend.”
But, let’s muster our courage and peer into that looking glass:
A Ghost Town of Empty Rooms:
This isn’t a tale of haunted mansions on Halloween. The school has dreams that stretch out, way out. Their crystal ball says we might twiddle our thumbs for a decade before these spaces buzz with activity. Till then? We’re signing checks for sky-high operating costs and that looming debt.
The Private School Exodus:
Hear that? Texas might soon roll out the red carpet, ushering parents towards private school tuition with a hefty wallet. A mass exodus to private domains could leave our brand-new public school corridors echoing with silence.
The Plano Cautionary Tale:
Every town has its moment in the sun. Plano, once the poster child for growth, now witnesses its classrooms thinning. A drop of over 8,700 students since 2011. That’s 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools—vanished. We ought to pick up a lesson or two from their journey.
The $100,000 Question:
The school’s ledger, even by their own pencil marks, spills the beans: the bond’s a jaw-dropping $100,000 for each new student over the horizon. Here’s the kicker: high schoolers? They’re not even on this guest list.
A Taxing Future?:
Somewhere, in a corner, the district’s land waits—perfect for a high school. But this bond? It’s looking the other way. How long before the district’s back, hat in hand, asking us to dig yet deeper?
Community Feedback: The Heartbeat of Wylie Speaks
In a free-society, there’s a symphony—a cacophony of voices. Some shout, some whisper, and some simply murmur. But every voice, every beat, forms the rhythm of a community. Let’s tune in to what the souls of Wylie are murmuring:
Concerns over Excess:
“I’ve been living here for 15 years, and the rapid growth has been astounding. But, do we really need to spend so much at once? Can’t there be a phased approach?” — Jennifer L.
Questions on Previous Spending:
“We approved a big amount just a few years back. Where did all that money go? I remember hearing about fancy gyms, but what about more classrooms?” — Michael R.
Worries on Future Debt:
“My children are in Wylie schools, and I’m concerned about the amount of debt we’re taking on. Will they be burdened with it in the future?” — Sunita P.
School Choice and its Implications:
“With the State of Texas introducing school choice, I wonder if we might see a shift in enrollments. Will our new schools end up being underutilized?” — Carlos G.
Remember Plano:
“I have friends in Plano, and they’re closing schools because of declining enrollments. We must be cautious and learn from our neighbors.” — Rebecca D.
Debate on Land Usage:
“They have land earmarked for a high school, yet this bond doesn’t address it. Are they just going to come back later asking for more money to build on it?” — Brandon T.
Alternatives & Solutions: Don’t Fall for the $300M Trap!
Attention, Wylie Residents! Before the powers-that-be try to convince you to take on a monstrous financial weight in these unpredictable times, here’s what they’re NOT telling you:
Portable Classrooms:
What’s the school’s Plan B if the bond tanks? Yep, portable classrooms. Efficient. Adaptable. Wallet-friendly. They’ve already told us it won’t dent our education quality. So why are they so eager to pour money into grand edifices?
$80 Million Already Tucked Away:
Sure, $80M doesn’t buy what it used to. But guess what? It once bought us a WHOLE school. Doesn’t sound like chump change, does it?
Costs Spiraling Out of Control?:
Construction costs are skyrocketing, and they want us to foot the bill without showing us the receipts? It’s our cash; we demand transparency.
Shifting Education Landscape:
Heard of ‘School Choice’? It’s coming, and it’s going to shake things up. Why are they rushing to build when the entire game is about to change?
Plano’s Warning Sign:
Think growth lasts forever? Ask Plano. They built for growth, then watched their schools empty out. Let’s not be the next cautionary tale.
Giant Leaps or Measured Steps?:
A colossal bond right now? It smells of ambition, not sensibility. We need steps that match our growth, not their pie-in-the-sky dreams.
Wake-Up Call: We’ve got plenty of aces up our sleeve. The real question isn’t if we can thrive without this bond; it’s why they’re so desperate for us to ignore the alternatives. Don’t be blinded. Think smart. Act smart.
A Call to Action: Wylie Residents, Take Command!
Listen Up, Wylie! The Future of Our Town is on the Line!
Here’s the raw deal: a $300M gamble, and you’ve got the power to say ‘NO’. But this isn’t just another decision—it’s the future of our community. Do you really want to mortgage our tomorrow?
Make it Count: VOTE ‘NO’! Ask questions. Demand clarity. This is your chance to hold the reins. Don’t let others make the choice for you.
A Little Inside Info: You’d be surprised. These off-year elections? Often forgotten. The last bond? Greenlit by just 1,300 voters. Think about that—a fraction deciding for the whole. This year, your vote isn’t just a drop in the ocean—it’s a tidal wave!
Important Dates—Seize the moment!
- Early Voting: Oct 23rd – Nov 3rd. Stay proactive. Lead the charge!
- Election Day: Nov 7th. Cast your ballot and shape our destiny.
Where to Throw Down that Crucial ‘NO’ Vote:
- Collin County Community College
- Murphy Community Center
Talk, Discuss, Debate! Tell everyone—your neighbor, the mailman, that friend who never votes. Share the hidden truths. Advocate for a smart future, not a blind gamble.
Here’s the Bottom Line: Your vote can shift the course. Let’s rally, stand united, and steer Wylie clear of a risky $300M pitfall. Make it happen!