Petition for Wylie ISD to Lower Spending and Stop the Endless Tax Hikes
We, the undersigned, call upon Wylie ISD School Board to work to lower spending and stop the endless raising of property taxes for the Wylie ISD portion of property tax bill.
Petition for Wylie ISD to Stop the Ideological Indoctrination of Our Children
We, the undersigned, call upon Wylie ISD School Board to end the woke indoctrination of our children and put in place safeguards to ensure woke ideological videos and other indoctrination vehicles are rooted out of WISD campuses.
Petition for Wylie ISD To Address Obscene Books in Classroom and School Libraries
We, the undersigned, support responsible and practical oversight of all literature and instructional media presented in our schools.
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Petition for Wylie ISD to Lower Spending and Stop Endless Tax Hikes
We, the undersigned, call upon the Wylie ISD School Board to work to lower spending and stop the endless raising of property taxes for the Wylie ISD portion of property tax bill.
The Wylie ISD budget has increased by approximately 100% over the last 10 years (a $100 million growth) while the student enrollment has only increased by approximately 40%.
The Wylie ISD School Board has increased their budget by over $26M dollars the last two years, including a $15.5M budget increase this year. Per student spending increased from $7,236.28 per student in the 2013-2014 school year to $10,253.52 this school year.
Wylie ISD has had a budget surplus for the last several years, but rather than apply this surplus to lowering property taxes they have elected to hold those taxpayer funds it in the general fund and just continue raising property taxes.
During this year’s budget meetings, there was not one request from Wylie ISD Administration or the Wylie ISD School Board for ways to lower spending but rather a plethora of new ways to spend additional tax increases. This is not the way you run your household budget, and this is not the way Wylie ISD should be run either.
The Wylie ISD Administration and School Board continue to push misinformation that the Texas Education Association sets the tax rate and they are forced to adopt the rate, when in actuality they are choosing to set the maximum tax rate in exchange for receiving additional funds from the state. The district can set the rate lower, but because they refuse to look at lowering expenses and only want to spend additional taxpayer dollars, they will again set the tax rate at the maximum allowed without an election.
It is important to note that rising property taxes hit businesses, the underprivileged, and those living in rental accommodations disproportionately to homeowners. Worse, these increased taxes, just like any increased expense encountered by business owners’ and landlords, are passed on to their customers and renter’s which just further feeds the increases in inflation.
Additionally, the district is currently asking taxpayers to approve a $298M bond election in November, which will double the current debt held by Wylie ISD and ensure the debt tax rate (Interest & Sinking Rate) will stay near the maximum allowable by law and ensure future generations will continue to have to pay for this reckless spending rather than lower the rate and/or paying off the debt faster.
Petition for Wylie ISD to Stop the Ideological Indoctrination of Our Children
We, the undersigned, call upon the Wylie ISD School Board to end the woke indoctrination of our children that is being taught in Wylie ISD Schools and put in place safeguards to ensure these types woke ideological videos and other indoctrination vehicles are rooted out of our campuses.
Our children are not pawns for social justice.
WISD students attend school for an excellent education that encompasses language arts, mathematics, science, history, geography, fine arts and physical education.
While at school, children should be developing their academic minds while learning positive lessons about appreciating each person’s strengths.
Instead, they were shown BrainPOP videos in Civics classes that push “Injustice”, “Prejudice”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Stop Police Violence”, “Transgenderism”, “LGBTQIA+” and other woke social agendas to our children.
If we are to be truly culturally responsive, we should be learning about ethnicity, traditions, similarities, and celebrations bringing our diverse country together with pride as we are all Americans with a constitutional right to equal opportunity. Controversial 3rd party organizations that promote fear and division do not belong in our classrooms.
Petition for Wylie ISD School Board to Address Obscene Books in Classroom and School Libraries
We, the undersigned, call upon the Wylie ISD School Board to stop sexually grooming our children by providing responsible and practical oversight of all literature and instructional media presented and available in Wylie ISD Schools and to stop exposing our children to inappropriate situations for their ages.
For months parents have been warning about the sexualization of our children and the administration and school board accused them of exaggerating, spreading misinformation, and claiming it would never happen here. But here we are, witnessing example after example of the woke sexual agenda within Wylie schools while the elected officials provide excuse after excuse about why their hands are tied.
We ask that the standards utilized by the FCC for what is acceptable to be broadcasted on public radio during the hours when children are likely to be present may be applied to the books/materials available in Wylie ISD Schools.
We further ask that you install a panel of concerned staff, CONCERNED PARENTS, and CONCERNED CITIZENS from the community to read and review the questionable books/materials for use in Wylie ISD Schools with any questionable books forwarded to the School Board for their personal review and approval, so they are personally accountable to their constituents.
By providing excuses and stating that they cannot do anything about the situations, Wylie ISD School Board Members are admitting that this is indeed happening in our district, but they are unwilling to be courageous enough to lead it.
Age inappropriate and obscene subject matter has become prevalent in both classroom and school libraries in all levels of the school system in Wylie ISD.
We believe the long-term effects may be emotionally, mentally, and physically harmful to children, as evidenced by rising rates of depression and other psychological disorders.
The subject matter of said materials include sex acts, child molestation, incest, rape, hook up dating, self-harm, mutilation and even suicide.
We believe everyone with authority over inappropriate books, inappropriate curriculum and subject matter should be held accountable for not exercising discretion to protect minors in Wylie ISD Schools.
Obscene and pornographic materials in the schools being disseminated by adults, that children learn to trust, is a dangerous grooming tool to normalize such sexual violations of children.
There are multiple reports of a male substitute teacher that was dressed in drag was allowed to come into our schools at multiple campuses in Wylie ISD. After the first day, the substitute teacher was called again, when there were many other qualified teachers.